It's fantastic to see such a hive of activity on our company blog as more employees share their thoughts. There's a wealth of information around Conchango so it's good to see people express themselves online and publish their personal thoughts and opinions. I enjoy reading blogs because they feel personal - someone who is passionate about a topic has taken time out to express this.
Everyone has a different writing style. Some people write short references whereas others write in-depth and well-researched posts. I'm a rambler who starts with an idea and then drifts off-piste, hopefully returning 4 or 5 paragraphs later to the original point of my post. Sometimes my ramble is so disjointed that the scribbles are consigned to bloggers graveyard. But that's my way.
This is my writing style and it’s no more right or wrong than anybody else’s style. Our company blog is an open forum to express oneself and to publish content that other people would be interested in. Whether this takes 10 words or 800 words, is serious or amusing - it doesn't matter. There is some hesitation from people to kick-start their blogging career because of misplaced preconceptions that posts must be detailed and well constructed thinking. The only important thing is that they are interesting and relevant.
There is basic blogging etiquette but certainly no strict guidelines. Bloggers should use good grammar, spelling and punctuation. It's important that our posts are relevant and current. There are plenty of sources out there so readers are generally interested in up-to-date news. That's not to say the content needs to be newsworthy - I tend to post about observations from project and everyday experiences. Others bloggers review sites products or technologies, make profound statements, offer tutorials, or make announcements such as the launch of our new Conchango website.
The subject matter in our blog is diverse and represents the broad skills and interests at Conchango and varies from technology to business and creative to recruitment etc
Why do I blog? As a grumpy old man I use the blog as a kind of therapy by getting user experience frustrations off my chest. I liken blogging to Speaker’s Corner in Hyde Park. OK, my posts are incomparable to the ramblings by some of our greatest and most intellectual whackos down at Speakers Corner, but both offer a soapbox for a person to express themselves and both offer the listeners or readers the opportunity to respond.
Other people blog for different reasons, from creating a personal journal to the enjoyment of sharing stuff. Some people blog for marketing or promotional reasons whereas many people do it simply as a hobby (yes, it does get addictive)
Many readers have a short concentration span or are pressed for time so I try to write posts that come in at around the 500 word mark. But I've been equally engaged by less than 100 or greater than 1000 word posts.
What's my point... well, this post is to welcome all new contributors to this blog and to encourage even more to join in. If anyone is hesitant about blogging because they're nervous about what they say or how to say it then think again and get scribbling.
P.S. Conchango are recruiting! If any of my ramblings interest you and you are passionate about User Experience then we'd like to hear from you. Why not contact me and let's have a chat?
Listening to: La Vie En Rose by Edith Piaf.
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